quartz porphyry

美 [kwɔːrts ˈpɔrfəri]英 [kwɔːts ˈpɔːfɪri]
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quartz porphyryquartz porphyry
  1. In view of the facts that the quartz porphyry in the orefield has been mineralized and the orebodies show transitional relationship with the porphyry , the authors believe that the deposit should be a porphyry Cu-Pb-Zn polymetallic one .


  2. It contributed to magmatic crystallization differentiation and the concentration of silver in the quartz porphyry magma ;


  3. The magma experienced crystallization differentiation , generating granite and quartz porphyry .


  4. The mineral vein occurs in the contact strip of the quartz porphyry and the limestone .


  5. The shallow quartz porphyry is ore-bearing massif and the deep granite porphyry is ore-origimating one .


  6. This study also shows that there is no relationship in lead isotopic composition between quartz porphyry veins and comagmatic gran-ites with silver mineralization .


  7. DIGITAL SIMULATION OF VOLATILE EVOLUTION DURING FRACTIONAL CRYSTALLIZATION AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE ( 2 ) It contributed to magmatic crystallization differentiation and the concentration of silver in the quartz porphyry magma ;


  8. ~ ( 40 ) Ar / ~ ( 39 ) Ar dating of sericite from altered dacite porphyry and quartz porphyry in Yinshan polymetallic deposit of Jiangxi Province and its geological significance


  9. The Yefushan rock mass is mainly composed of quartz syenite porphyry .


  10. Chemically , the quartz diorite porphyry is rich in alkali , sodium and LREE and lack of obvious europium negative anomaly .


  11. The main rock types of the porphyries are granodiorite-porphyry , monzonitic granite-porphyry and quartz monzonitic porphyry .


  12. The intrusion mainly consists of quartz diorite porphyry , quartz monzonite porphyry and granodiorite porphyry , and has close relationship with the copper mineralization .


  13. Samples of quartz diorite porphyry , quartz diorite and mafic rocks compose a well fractionate trend on the Harker diagrams , which indicate that the quartz diorite porphyry and quartz diorite should be products formed at the end of the evolution of mafic magma .


  14. SHRIMP U-Pb concordia ages of the cores of rounded zircons are 620 and 219 Ma , suggesting that the parental magma for the quartz diorite porphyry may have been derived from partial melting of basement materials of the South China block that had been modified by ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism .


  15. Duhuangling gold deposits occurred in the quartz diorite ( porphyry ) of Late Yanshan Epoch , the deposits are directiy controlled by EW trending fault structure zone .


  16. The characteristics of its rock geochemistry show that the quartz mica dioritic porphyry which belongs to calcium alkali series is rich in sodium , mineralized elements of gold and copper , light rare earth .


  17. Appearing as different sized rock stems and formed in middle latter part of Yanshan Period , the quartz mica dioritic porphyry is the host rock of Nong ping porphyry typed gold copper deposit .


  18. Study on inclusions within quartz from the Babaoshan porphyry Cu-Fe deposit of West Henan


  19. Ludousou gold deposits belong to fractured altered rock-type gold deposit , produced in Dewulu quartz diorite and Ludousou quartz porphyry contact zone .
